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South Male Atoll, July 20th, Veligadu Beyru – Uncovery.net

South Male Atoll, July 20th, Veligadu Beyru

This first dive of the trip was functioning as a a “welcome dive”. Since we planned to do a more challenging (i.e. deep, stronger currents) dive early in the morning the next day, I jumped in the water only a couple of hours after arriving at the resort.

The currents were quite strong, the sea was stormy and we had frequent thunderstorms. Despite the strong left/right sway under water I somehow managed to get some decent macros of whip coral gobies.

Unfortunately I realized that my dive computer was out of battery, so there won’t be any dive profiles for the coming couple of dives.

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Featured Location(s):

Velhigandu Beyru

Location: Maldives > Male Atoll > South Male Atoll > Velhigandu Beyru

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