This first dive of the trip was functioning as a a “welcome dive”. Since we planned to do a more challenging (i.e. deep, stronger currents) dive early in the morning the next day, I jumped in the water only a couple of hours after arriving at the resort.
The currents were quite strong, the sea was stormy and we had frequent thunderstorms. Despite the strong left/right sway under water I somehow managed to get some decent macros of whip coral gobies.
Unfortunately I realized that my dive computer was out of battery, so there won’t be any dive profiles for the coming couple of dives.
Tassled Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Tassled Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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00 To be determined, photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Devil Firefish (Pterois miles), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Spotfin Lionfish (Pterois antennata), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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00 To be determined, photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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00 To be determined, photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops Yongei), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whitespotted boxfish (Ostracion meleagris), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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Whitespotted boxfish (Ostracion meleagris), photo taken in Maldives, Male Atoll, South Male Atoll, Velhigandu Beyru
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17 images